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An application is a space in the platform for you to upload data entries that conform to the schema that you've defined when you created your application.

An user can have any number of applications and an application has a non-modifiable schema that defines the structure of the data to upload.

In the web dashboard, the main site contains a list of all the applications that the user owns. When clicking on an application you'll be taken to the dashboard for that application where you can find some auto generated graphs and previews for the uploaded data, a table with all the raw data entries and an option to export everything as a CSV for custom processing.

Check out creating your first application to see how to create an application in the platform.

When creating an application, you'll be given a domain ID (of the shape of FD-107hpu2306l9ui95bq) that can be used to upload your data.

Last update: October 30, 2022