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Manual Hosting with Node.js

The recommended way to host this application is through Docker, follow this guide if for some reason you do not want to use Docker.

Keep in mind that this guide assumes you have a MongoDB and Redis instances ready to use.


Pre requirements

First, make sure you're running at least Node v16.15.1.

Clone this repository:

git clone

Inside the web-dashboard folder

Install the dependencies:

npm ci

And build the application:

npm run build

This will create a folder named build. You need to move this folder into the server folder and rename it to client-build.

mv build ../server/client-build

Inside the server folder

Install the dependencies:

npm ci

And build the server:

npm run build

Create a file named .env and add the following configuration:



Here's a description of each of the configuration variables.

Environment Variable Required Description
MONGODB_URI Yes The URI of the MongoDB instance to use as database.
REDIS_URI Yes The URI of the Redis instance to use as cache.
JWT_SECRET Yes A string to use as secret to sign JWT tokens. You can use openssl rand -hex 32 to generate one for you.
JWT_TOKEN_DURATION No The time (in seconds) that the user JWT tokens will last for. Defaults to 604800 which is 7 days.
REGISTRATION_OPEN No Whether users can register to create an account. By default this is set to false. You can enable registration by setting this to true.

User account registration is disabled by default. This makes sure that nobody else can create an account to abuse the service. It is recommended to keep this option set to false once all the necessary user accounts have been created.


Add the URIs for your MongoDB and Redis instances in their respective variables.

Keep in Mind

Make sure you have moved the web-dashboard/build folder into server/client-build.

You can now start the server with:

npm start

The server will be listening to the port you've specified above.


If you're running a Linux based operating system, you may use something like systemd to create an autostart service for this application.

You can base yourself off the following service file.

Description=Freenalytics Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm start



Replace <USER> with your Unix username and <SERVER_LOCATION> with the directory where the server is located (the server folder).

You can save this file in:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/freenalytics.service

And enable it with:

sudo systemctl start freenalytics.service
sudo systemctl enable freenalytics.service

Last update: October 29, 2022