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Discord Bot Example

The freenalytics/example-discord-bot repository includes a small bot for Discord that contains two simple commands that greet the user and that makes the command run into an error with an 80% chance.

There is no official template for Discord bots, however, the Freenalytics application that was created uses the following schema:

type: object
    type: string
    type: string
    type: boolean
    type: string
    type: integer
    type: integer

The bot will then keep track of the name of the command that was issued, the username of who issued the command, whether it was successful, and if not, the error of the command. Additionally, it records the number of servers and users with access to the bot every 10 seconds.

Client Implementation

In case you're curious, here's the implementation of the client that communicates with Freenalytics.

Dashboard Screenshot

The Dashboard that you can expect to see is:


Last update: December 7, 2022