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This page refers to the development of the freenalytics-connector-web connector library. If you're looking for the usage of this library, head over to the Official Web Template page.

The freenalytics-connector-web is an official connector library for webpages that integrate with the Web Template.


In order to develop for this connector library you will need:

Setting Up

First, clone the repository:

git clone

And then, install the dependencies:

npm install

Starting the Development Server

Since this library was made with TypeScript it needs to be bundled and served through a CDN.

In order to manually test functionality, you may start the bundler in watch mode (will re-bundle the project on file save) with:

npm run build:watch

And then serve the contents of the dist folder with:

npm run dev:serve

This will start an HTTP server on port 9000.

Manually Testing

In order to check functionality while developing the library, you may need to create a dummy HTML page that includes the library with the following tags:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:9000/connector.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/analytics.js"></script>

Where the analytics.js file looks like this:

const client = new freenalytics.Client({
  apiUrl: 'http://localhost:4000/api',
  domain: 'FD-107hpu34tlb7s7mro'


You can use your own Freenalytics instance. In this case http://localhost:4000/api is just for example purposes. It may as well be or whatever the URL for your Freenalytics instance may be.

You can then use any HTTP server to serve this dummy HTML page (such as the Live Server extension for VSCode).

Any code change will update the files that the HTTP server on port 9000 serves. However, you might need to hard refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R or Cmd+Shift+R) the webpage in case your browser has cached the script.


This project uses ESLint rules to maintain a consistent code style. You can run the linter to check for any linting errors with:

npm run lint

And fix any fixable errors automatically with:

npm run lint:fix

Unit Testing

This project contains unit tests that try to cover the code as much as possible. You can run the unit tests with:

npm run test

Or, if you want to run the test suites in watch mode (will re-run relevant tests on file save), you can use:

npm run test:watch

Last update: December 4, 2022